Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Coping with Morning Sickness

It’s a well-known fact that morning sickness is extremely common within the first three months of pregnancy. Contrary to its name, “morning” sickness can occur at any time of day, and can even last for the entire duration of the pregnancy.

Massive hormone levels are the cause for the nausea, and although distressing, it is unlikely to cause damage to your baby.Getting up too quickly can bring on morning sickness, so if you have a partner with you, ask them to bring you a drink and biscuit in bed before you get up. This will help to steady you before you start your day.

Strong flavours and smells can often be a trigger for sickness during pregnancy, so it may be a good idea to avoid these if you begin to experience this. Coffee, alcohol, cola, chocolate, sugary and fatty foods are all known to cause nausea or upset pregnant bellies. Ask your partner / family to help you avoid these by keeping a good stock of “safe” foods in your fridge – things which can be prepared quickly or eaten cold, or which do not have a lingering smell or taste.

Due to the possible risks to the baby, conventional medicine is often avoided when treating morning sickness, resulting in a greater number of women seeking alternative therapies to help them cope with this difficult time.If you are looking to try another way, then the following methods may be of use to you:

Applying pressure to certain points on your body in order to give pain relief, is referred to as Acupressure. Used for over 3000 years, the principles of acupressure are the same as those of acupuncture, but instead of penetrating the body with needles, prolonged pressure is applied. The pressure point which is thought to help alleviate morning sickness, is located in the middle of the inside of your fore-arm, around two to three finger-widths up from the crease of your wrist. The point sits between two tendons which can be found by slightly clenching your wrist. Once you have found this point, you need to apply vibrating pressure for 20 seconds, then relax. This can be repeated.

Chinese Medicine
Personalised prescriptions can often be made up by a herbalist at a Chinese medicine shop, so it’s well-worth a visit. This applies to almost any ailment, and appeals to many who do not wish to take chemical treatments.

Ginger is well-known for its ability to reduce nausea. Many women find that tea made from fresh ginger root first thing in the morning is a great help. Making ginger tea is really simple; here’s how - Add one teaspoon of root ginger to a cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes, then strain. Add honey to sweeten it if you like, then drink whilst still warm. You can even try adding ginger to a main meal such as a stir fry, or if you don’t like the taste of ginger, you can buy ginger capsules from your local health shop which will also have the same effect.

Fruit Juice
Both apple and pineapple juices are both believed to reduce nausea, so why not keep a glass of juice next to your bed at night-time?
If you find it hard to keep solid foods down, why not try making your own fruit and vegetable juices or smoothies? It is paramount that you don’t become dehydrated, so always try to keep taking liquids in, especially when you have been sick.
Of course the most important thing for you and your baby, is to follow your own natural instincts. If your body tells you that you really shouldn’t be drinking orange juice in the mornings, then listen to it! Remember that no two pregnancies are the same, and that if you begin to become concerned about your morning sickness, speak to your doctor or nurse and they will be able to offer advice.

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